About us

Who we are

We are a group of people from around the Goulburn Valley who have lost loved ones to suicide.

And we hope to support others in our community who are dealing with loss to suicide as well.

We formed GVSAG in March 2021, when Chairperson Jacky Gilbee needed to direct her grief from the loss of her son in a positive direction: supporting others who were feeling pain like hers.

Together, the Group organises the Goulburn Valley Suicide Awareness Walk. For its second year, the Walk has been scheduled to 10 September 2023 – 10-09-2023.

Why we do what we do

Our Vision
A Goulburn Valley free of suicide.

Our Vision is that the Goulburn Valley community never has to say goodbye to another life taken by suicide.

Our Mission
A pause in time to reflect & remember.

Our logo is the semi-colon, to remind us all that right now is a moment in time. Tomorrow is another day, but right now, we can reflect and remember those we have lost, by being free to talk and share and show emotion.

In addition, we aim to raise awareness, reduce the stigma around talking about mental health and suicide, and support family and friends and those who have lost loved ones to suicide.

Grateful for our PARTNERS who supported us in 2022:

and Cindy McLeish MP

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