GVSAW21 Date Change

It is with great regret that we have decided that our inaugural Goulburn Valley Suicide Awareness Walk, or GVSAW21, will need to be rescheduled due to the current COVID lockdown uncertainty. We really wanted it to be on the weekend after World Suicide Prevention Day (10 September), but with the current outbreaks in Melbourne and Sydney and how contagious this wave seems to be, we don’t want to take any chances that we will be unable to secure another date with the Township of Yea.

We have decided to postpone GVSAW21 to Sunday 21 November 2021, or 21-11-21.

On a positive note, that will give us more time to spread the word, and have more participants for our inaugural walk! So please, spread the word, and encourage your friends to register and join us as we take some time to Walk and Remember those we love and have lost.

If you haven’t yet registered, what are you waiting for? Register now so that you get all the updates via email to ensure you are in the loop!

If you have more questions, we have a handy new FAQ page up and ready to answer all of the Frequently Asked Questions we have been getting about the inaugural GVSAW. Click here to go to our FAQ page.

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