
Thank you!

The fact that you are on this page is amazing to us.

We have a vision to bring to life.

A world where we aren’t afraid to have the hard conversations.

It’s a lofty goal, but we fully believe it is possible.

With the help of our sponsors, we can work to shed light on the need to have these hard conversations, and that is the first step.


Sponsor the Third Annual GV Suicide Awareness Walk

The Goulburn Valley Suicide Awareness Group (GVSAG) are currently seeking corporate sponsorship and donations for their ‘Annual Suicide Awareness Walk’ which is every second Sunday in September each year. The Walk will take place in Yea on the morning of Sunday 10th September 2023. 

This community event is being held in association with WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY. A group of dedicated volunteers recognise that far too many family members and friends are lost to suicide. For those families, friends and whole communities left behind, there is an overwhelming sense of loss and feelings of guilt that the death could have been prevented and that more could have been done in understanding and support. 

Our walk begins at 8:30am at the Yea Railway Station.  The event will commence with a welcome from the founder of GVSAG, Jacky Gilbee, followed by guest speakers, who will speak on ending the stigma of suicide. An honour roll will be read out by a member of the Committee before the start of the walk. We will then cross the Melba Highway and proceed to and return from the second bridge on the Yea Rail Trail. On completion of the walk, a sausage sizzle will be provided by the Yea Rotary Club. 

By raising community awareness, the Walk aims to provide help for those struggling with mental health, to recognise that they are not alone, and that help and support are available, starting with talking to those closest to them and to councillors who will be available on the day. The Walk will bring together those who have lost loved ones and provide an opportunity to honour them.

Suicide Statistics*
  • Nine Australians die every day by suicide. That’s more than double the road toll.
  • 75% of those who take their own life are male.
  • Over 65,000 Australians make a suicide attempt each year.
  • In 2020, 3,139 Australians took their own life.
  • Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians between the ages of 15 and 44.
  • People in rural populations are 2 times more likely to die by suicide.
  • Males aged 85 and older experience the highest age-specific rate of suicide.
  • 1 in 4 Australians are lonely and have no-one to speak to.

Our Group would be grateful for your support to help fund this year’s event, helping to cover costs such as advertising, reference material, traffic control, first aid, etc. We will be encouraging our previous 100+ attendees to ‘bring a buddy’ this year, as a way to increase the number of walkers.

Sponsorships in excess of $500 – received by Friday July 28th – will be acknowledged in promotional material for the Walk. Sponsorships in excess of $500 received after that date will be acknowledged verbally on the day of the walk.

If you would like to contribute or feel you can contribute in another way, please contact:

Founder: Jacky Gilbee ~ 0417 907 278

For all donations, please use the following account:

Bendigo Bank
BSB:633 000
Account: 183 037 993

(*) Source: https://www.lifeline.org.au/resources/data-and-statistics/

If after reading this communication, you feel you need support or to speak to someone, please call 24/7 Crisis Support:

Lifeline 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636


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